City parasites

2992 days ago

Motive TV appoints administrators - the great journey of value destruction is over

The only shock is that this took so long but today Motive TV (MTV) has announced that it is all over. It has appointed administrators. It is tits up time. Of course the day Motive shares were suspended on the AIM Casino this was bound to happen. This was a farce...whereby crony capitalists and City parasites screwed stupid private investors. Bring out the piano wire for the crony capitalists and neuter anyone who bought shares in Motive TV so "stupid genes" are eradicated from the population.


3128 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast Special - Fishing Republic, valuation is er....fishy

Thanks to Paul Scott for his help on this one. I know that Gary Newman is a fan but I just do not get Fishing Republic (FISH) at all - the red flags are now highlighted. The Crony Capitalist City parasistes trousered fees of £550,000 ( two years after tax profits) from a £1.5 million fund raise at IPO (with directors pocketing £106,000) but I somehow suspect investors will not propser with this AIM casino chip.


3562 days ago

Redhall – yet another AIM Cesspit zombie: what is the point?

Another day and yet another profits warning from AIM listed specialist engineering group Redhall (RHL). This is a zombie company in that from an investor’s point of view it is just dead money. But it supports an army of crony capitalists, directors and various City parasites.

So let’s start with the profits warning. Redhall stated:
